I am probably the worst blogger ever! If there is anyone out there who reads these posts, thank you. It is so hard to find the balance between my day job, writing, and then writing about my writing. I have a new respect for those that manage to find that perfect balance as they work their sexy butts off to make their dreams of writing a reality.
With that said, there's nothing better than nearing the end of your novel and seeing your beautiful book cover come to life. Here it is folks...
Umm, wow! Scarlett is super beautiful in a--what I hope is--not the standard sexy book cover type, meaning that she is clothed. The same goes for Mr. Super Hot Adam Greenstreet. Yes, that man looks like he could be sexy in anything, including a baggy sweatshirt. What I'm hoping to get at folks is that sexy comes in a lot of different forms. There's the sexy Victoria's Secret catalogue that comes to my house sometimes twice a day, the sexy ads on television that appeal to our carnal instincts to try to sell us something we don't actually need, and there's the sexy that comes from within. My hope is that Scarlett Fever will be a wild ride of super sexy, boundary pushing, finding your inner sexy joy. My goal is to release this in mid July. If you've read a copy of Schooling Scarlett, I hope you are anticipating this release as much as I am.
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